








本英检广泛被采用,昆山科技大学、德明财经科技大学、大仁科技大学都已有超过三千人参加本英检,而且义守大学有超过32,000人参加本英检,节省516栋台北101高度的A4 纸张。


义守大学已有超过 32000 位学生与职员参加「网络全民英检 NETPAW」英检,节省了相当于 516 台北101 高度的 A4 纸张。




2.教育部于20050804发文本会,明示「教育部并未就现行国内外英检检测进行审查并列为具公信力检测之措施」以及「各机关学校推动英语能力检定测验时,除其他法令另有规定外,应参考欧洲语言学习、 教学、评量共同参考架构」即 CEF (民国94年8月4日台社(一)字第0940106287号函)。而CEF 即由本会引进(参见第4点),本英检也采用 CEF 研发, 且依据教育部之政策,聘请中央研究院第一任语言学研究所所长郑锦全院士完成本英检认证与CEF对照表,并将认证报告寄交教育部与行政院人事局核备。

3.本会获得拥有47个会员国的欧洲理事会正式授权中译 CEF,欧洲理事会还有5个观察员国家(美国、加拿大、日本、梵蒂冈、和墨西哥),而且教育部特别专款补助CEF中译,CEF中译已完成 (请参阅: http://www.allyear.org/prodshow.asp?ProdId=9789574144679)。很值得一提的是: CEF的六级标准,不但是教育部及行政院人事行政局所采用, 也受到提供TOEFLTOEICCambridge 等英检的单位采用。

4.本英检是第一个由行政院人事行政局正式发文行政院各部会完成审查的英语检定测验 (民国94年10月31日局力字第0940065511号函及民国95年3月1日局力字第0950061032号函)。教育部请社教司协调国教司行文各县市教育局加强倡导使用」,也纳入本英检作为全国一般大学及技专院校奖补助的参考英检(民国95年7月13日台社(四)字第0950102723号函)。

5.本英检为国际级的英检,备受国内外肯定 : 中央研究院正式行文给本会,邀请本会规划该院国际学生入学英检 (民国95年6月22日学术字第0950192760号函),已研发完成;美国北卡罗莱纳大学教授Prof. Boyd Davis、香港城市大学教授Prof. Bertha Du-Babcock、澳洲南昆士兰大学教授Director Shirley O’Neill及美国威斯康辛大学教授Prof.Francois Tochon 皆采用「网络全球英检GETPAW」,并分别于公元2006、2009年和2010年的国际语文教学研讨会中发表检测相关论文。









网络英检 GETPAW受到国内外肯定与采用

采认全网络英检Getpaw 作为入学英语能力证明

What our clients say

A student of the University of Wisconsin at Madison: "Taking the GETPAW listening test just inspired my memories of preparing and taking the TOEFL IBT. During the test, I feel a little bit scared, but more and more confident. Having spent a year living in the United States, I feel so familiar with the conversations in the test, in which almost all the contents are contextualized, about family, shopping, cooking, medicine, grant application, invitation, and so on. Preview of the options is allowed, which makes listening tasks easier and more understandable. The test is composed of four parts, which are arranged by levels of difficulty. One impressing advantage is that the test can be partly controlled by me; for instance, I can keep listening to the contents many times, which releases testing nervousness to some extent. Also GETPAW makes me more independent and autonomous. Meanwhile, when one part is finished, the system will remind me of time left automatically, which helps me to keep the rhythm under control. In sum, I felt comfortable and confident when I was taking GETPAW not only because of its flexibility, but also because of its contextualized testing contents."
            Professor Francois Victor Tochon   
   Chair, Academic Council, Deep University/Institute

O'Neill (2009) found GETPAW offered a valuable alternative test because of its availability online and its interactive/communicative assessment experiences. The fact that candidate-feedback was focused at the level of skill and item demand showed it to have diagnostic application comparable with a similar diagnostic test of English as a second language (DELTA) (McQueen & Aldous, 1994). Its ability to provide diagnostic feedback also confirms its ability to provide positive washback. GETPAW stands firm among similar tests both in its capacity to test English proficiency and in its ability to provide feedback to improve pedagogy and learning. It represents the state of the art in the use of technology and in that regard enhances both its capacity for authentic assessment and positive washback. It clearly has application to the Australian ESL context and offers a competitive alternative in every respect.
Professor  Shirley O'Neill  
                    Dean, University of Southern Queensland
As stated in O’Neill (2009), it “represents the first step towards the design of a larger study that will investigate both the usefulness of GETPAW for testing the knowledge and proficiency of a wider group of candidates who may wish to take advantage of being able to take a test of English proficiency online and also the views of educators who have a stake in being able to assess their students’ English and collect diagnostic data to improve students’ learning and their pedagogical approach.” As the students at the University of Southern Queensland responded concerning their experiences with GETPAW, the students at the City University of Hong Kong thought that GETPAW “offers a valuable alternative that is user-friendly through its availability online and its interactive assessment experiences” (O’Neill). Since the GETPAW levels relate to the Common European Framework (CEF) that describes learner proficiency at each level, it makes it easy to link GETPAW levels to other ESL/EFL assessments. Therefore, as Prof. O’Neill stated (2009), GETPAW “has potentially multiple uses and international applicability for English language assessment and the teaching of English.”
                                                    Professor Birtha Du-Babcock
                       Associate Professor, City University Of Hong Kong


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